The WebModeler


The Process Editor includes a HTML5-based WebModeler. A few screenshots are shown below, installation instruction follow afterwards.

WebModeler overview home page
The WebModeler's model overview.

WebModeler with BPMN example
A BPMN sample model.

WebModeler with UML example
A UML class model (imported from XML schema).


Please refer to the file at on how to compile your own version. If you prefer a pre-built binary, we provide one here. After copying it to a new folder, e.g. 'wm', you need to create two folders containing the required libraries (download a backup copy from Github):

If you want to run the server with https, please configure it according to, to be placed at /www/config.

Use Java >= 7 to start the modeler on localhost:1205:

java -Xmx 1024m -cp 'processeditor.jar:lib/*' &

Use root/inubit as the default credentials.

DISCLAIMLER: Please note that the ExtJS 4 WebModler is currently in an experimental state. If you have the urgent feeling that this should change and would like to provide some coding/fixing, I would be happy if you could contact me.